May 17, 1949 - Jan. 16, 1970
Two Purple Hearts
Distinguished Flying Cross
O.L.C. Air Medal
Graduate of Archbold High School in May of 1967 and entered military service in June of 1967.
Entered Vietnam in August of 1969 with the 17th Air Cavalry Troop B, 3rd Armored Squadron.
Shot down Jan. 12, 1970 and passed away four days later.
Letters Honoring David
The White House
January 26, 1970
I had met David when I visited Germany and I understand that he was also security pilot for Vice President Agnew on his recent visit to Vietnam.
Of all the hardships of war, the cruelest are the losses of men..., men who do not hesitate to show they are honored to serve our country and who do so with pride and distinction.
I pray for the day when peace can be restored. But when it comes, there will be a special place in the hearts of his countrymen for those whose sacrifice made it possible and for those others who have borne the burdens of their loss.
Richard Nixon
January 21, 1970
The Department of the Army informs me that David was an officer of great promise and potential; and although he had not yet been notified, he had been selected for a direct commission and appointment as a First Lieutenant of infantry. This action attests to his exemplary
personal conduct and his capabilities as an officer and leader.
I appreciate David's serving as my security pilot during the Vietnam portion of my recent world tour. I am proud of his military accomplishments and grateful for his contribution to our Nation's strength.
Spiro T. Agnew
The priceless gift of life is the most noble one a soldier can make to protect his loved ones at home and to safeguard the cherished beliefs for which his Nation stands. Our strength and security rest of the loyalty and devotion of American soldiers who today safeguard freedom as did American soldiers in earlier times of national peril. You can treasure the thought that for his gift of life your son is noble among men who share the blessings of freedom.
W.C. Westmoreland
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
We, the Citizens of Archbold humbly dedicate this memorial in memory of those living and dead, who have served or given their lives that we may pursue our lives as we so choose.
Archbold American Legion B.L.W. 311
Those who gave their lives:
World War I
Clayton C. Buehrer
Clarence E. Lauber
Albert H. Weckesser
World War II
Theodore W. Dimke, Jr.
Darrel Wayne Borton
Edgar H. Gerken
Virgel W. Jones
Robert L. Mahler
B. Polite
Elvin Schroeder
David LeRoy Beltz
David K. Aeschliman
The David Aeschliman Memorial was built by the Archbold Area Jaycees. The landscaping was donated in memory of Terri VanPelt.
Dedicated June 26, 1976
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