After the World War I (WWI) Armistice on November 11, a global commemorative culture paid tribute to all those affected by the war. County residents remembered lost service members through flag raisings, memorial trees, and other activities.
In coordination with Arlington residents and veterans groups, Commander George D. Ricker (President of Arlington's American Legion Post 139) led the effort to plan, fund, and build this monument in Clarendon. Architect Adolph Thelander designed the monument which includes pink granite from Arlington National Cemetery.
More than 2,000 people attended the dedication of this monument on Armistice Day. The occasion included a parade, speeches, the playing of taps, and a celebratory evening dance. The plaque on the monument listed 13 names of Arlington's fallen WWI service members, segregated by race, a reflection of the systemic racism pervasive in Virginia and across the nation.
Population growth and changing traffic patterns at this intersection necessitated moving the monument less than one mile east to the former Arlington County Courthouse. The following year, the County provided the ball and eagle that now adorn the monument's apex.
On May 30, the American Legion dedicated
and installed two new plaques for Arlingtonians lost in World War II. This began the tradition of adding memorial plaques to honor all of our fallen heroes in subsequent conflicts, including the Korean and Vietnam wars.
After the completion of the Metro and the pending demolition of the Arlington Courthouse, the County again relocated and rebuilt the monument at this site (near the original location).
On Armistice Day, the names of six Arlingtonians who lost their lives in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were placed on the monument. More than 100 people attended the ceremony to hear the final roll call for the fallen service members.
The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts continue to honor the sacrifices of the service members memorialized on the monument through public ceremonies on Memorial Day and Veterans DAy.
Background Image: Officers Training at Fort Myer, Virginia, 1917 (Library of Congress)
A memorial ceremony in Clarendon before the construction of the existing monument. The Masonic Building (on the far left) at 3195 Wilson Boulevard is in the background.
The American Legion Memorial of Arlington at its original Clarendon location, ca. 1936.
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