First Transcontinental Railroad Groundbreaking Site
At this location on January 8, 1863, Governor Stanford surrounded by politicians and locals, announced the start of the United States' first transcontinental railroad. You are standing at Mile Marker 0, the origin of the Central Pacific Railroad which traversed east connecting with the Union Pacific Railroad, which joined the United States for the first time in its history. Over six years, thousands worked to construct the railroad. History remembers the driving of the "Last Spike" at Promontory, Utah on May 10, 1869 as the completion of the railroad. However, a labor dispute with Union Pacific postponed the celebration for two days.Completion of the transcontinental railroad fundamentally changed the region and put the city of Sacramento on the map.Excerpt of contemporary announcement of the railroad's completion:1863 C. P. R. R. 1869Grand Railroad celebration in honor of the completion of the Great National Railway across the continent.The Completion of this Great Work will be Celebrated in Sacramento, on the Eighth Day of May, 1869, Under the Direction of the Committee of Citizens Chosen for that Purpose.H.S. Crocker & Co.'s Print, Sac. To be further inspired by our railroad heritage, visit
the California State Railroad Museum at 125 I Street. For information on riding on historical trains, visit
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