7.7cm Feldkanone (Field Cannon) / Canon de terrain

7.7cm Feldkanone (Field Cannon) / Canon de terrain (HM2KHU)

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N 46° 9.143', W 67° 34.375'

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 (English:)Captured World War I German 77mm field gun manufactured by Krupp Armaments in Germany and introduced in 1896.Model: C96n/ACalibre: 77mmMaximum Range: 9186 yards (5 Miles)Weight: 1930 lbs. (8 75kg)Rate of Fire: 10 Rounds per minuteMany of these guns were distributed to the victory forces at the war's end on November 11th, 1918.
(Français:)Cette canon étais capturé dans la première guerre mondial dans l'Allemagne manufacturer par Krupp Armaments dans l'Allemagne et présenter dans 1896.Modèle: C96n/ACalibre: 77mmPortée de tir: 5 milePois: 875kgVitesse de tir: 10 rond par minutePlusieurs de canon étais donner pour les force de victoire a fin de la guerre le 11 novembre 1918.
Placed ByWoodstock — New Brunswick's First Town / La première ville du Nouveau-Brunswick
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, September 7th, 2019 at 11:05am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 610198 N 5111968
Decimal Degrees46.15238333, -67.57291667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 46° 9.143', W 67° 34.375'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds46° 9' 8.58" N, 67° 34' 22.5" W
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