Williams' Division, Twelfth Army Corps,
Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams, Commanding.
(September 17, 1862.)
Williams' Division moved from the Line and Hoffman Farms at daylight on the 17th, formed line at 7 a.m. near the North Woods, and advanced, Gordon's Brigade on the right to the high ground between D.R. Miller's and the East Woods, facing south; Crawford's Brigade on Gordon's left, facing southwest, and extending across the Smoketown Road. The Division relieved the left and centre of the First Army Corps, checked the Confederate advance, and, in co-operations with Green's Division forced forced the enemy into the West Woods west of the Hagerstown Road. Later it supported the assault made by Sedgwick's Division, Second Corps, and then formed in support of the Sixth Corps and continued upon this duty until the close of the engagement.
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