Strawberry Square Phase II

Strawberry Square Phase II (HM405)

Location: Harrisburg, PA 17101 Dauphin County
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N 40° 15.627', W 76° 52.858'

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This block of historic buildings traces a glimpse of Harrisburg's 19th and 20th Century retail development. Restored as Phase II of the Strawberry Square shopping complex in the late 1980's and part of the Old Downtown Harrisburg Commercial Historic District, these buildings range in varying styles and periods with the earlier development falling along N. Third Street with its quaint restored storefronts, and the later more intensively developed edifices on Market Street. Buildings of note include the former classic revival style Bowman's Department Store Building and Gothic Revival-styled former Doutrichs Men's Store located to the left and right of the main Market Street entrance respectively. Also of note is the preserved 1941 art deco and trademark facade of the former Woolworth's 5&10 facade facing both Market and N. Third Streets. When entering Phase II at Market Street, notice the grand atrium space and the original exterior walls of the adjacent buildings. This promenade occupies what was originally Dewberry Alley, a street first created in the early 1800's. Phase II, having offices on the upper stories, has been physically integrated as a marvelous adaptive reuse project with the earlier Phase I component of Strawberry Square that faces Walnut Street.
1915 postcard view captures the Market Street frontage of the present Strawberry Square Phase II looking east toward N. Third Street.
HM NumberHM405
Series This marker is part of the Pennsylvania: The Harrisburg History Project series
Placed ByThe Harrisburg History Project Commissioned by Mayor Stephen R. Reed
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 20th, 2014 at 8:17am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18T E 340048 N 4458362
Decimal Degrees40.26045000, -76.88096667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 40° 15.627', W 76° 52.858'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds40° 15' 37.62" N, 76° 52' 51.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)717
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 221 Market St, Harrisburg PA 17101, US
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