Turner Valley is Alberta's first great oilfield. Initially the field, which began production in 1914, yielded mainly natural gas. Local plants, which provided the only extensive gas-processing system in the province, extracted the marketable petroleum products. The discovery of deeper deposits in 1924 at Royalite No. 4 made Turner Valley the leading producer in Canada. In 1936, the crude-oil pool underlying the gas reserves was discovered and Turner Valley reached peak output. While production declined after 1942, the field continues to be a significant producer of oil and gas.
Champ de P?trole de Turner Valley
Turner Valley constitue le premier grand champ p?trolif?re de l'Alberta. Ce gisement, don't l'exploitation commen?a en 1914, produisant surtout du gaz naturel ? l'origine. Des usines locales, qui offraient le seul syst?me de traitment du gaz en Alberta, extrayaient les derives commercialisables. La d?couverte de nouvelles reserves au puits Royalite no 4 en 1924 propulsa Turner Valley au rang de principal producteur au pays. En 1936, la production atteignit un sommet avec la d?couverte de p?trole brut enfoui sous le gisement de gaz. Elle fl?chit apr 1942, mais le gisement demeure encore un important producteur de p?trole et de gaz.
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