This plant, which was critical to the development of the Turner Valley oil field, is the earliest gas processing facility built in Canada and the only survivor of its type. The present complex was begun in 1921 after a fire destroyed the original plant, built in 1914. The many modifications and additions made to it since the 1920s reflect the evolution of refining technology. The buildings. Machinery and equipment together illustrate the production process required to extract marketable gas and its byproducts from what was, until 1947, Canada's most important field.
Usine ? Gaz de Turner Valley
Cette usine, qui fut essentielle ? l'exploitation du champ p?trolif?re de Turner Valley, est la plus ancienne en 1921, apr?et la seule gu genre ? subsister au Canada. Sa construction fut enterprise en 1921, apr l'incendie qui dtruisit la premi?re installation de 1914. Les nombreuses modifications apport??es depuis, ainsi que les agrandisements successifs, illustrent bien l'?volution technologique. Les b?timents, la machiniere et l'outillage t??moignent des diverses ?tapes de la production du gaz et de ses d?riv? ? partir de ce qui fut, jusqu'en 1947, le plu important gisement au pays.
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