A shingled shed now protects the ruins of Camilo Ynitia's adobe home from further weather damage. Dating from the late 1830's this structure represents a period when the Wiwok were abandoning their traditional dwellings in favor of more sheltered adobe houses.
Encouraged by his friend, Mariano Vallejo, Ynitia sought and was granted title to 8,800 acres around Olompali village by the Mexican government in 1843. In addition to raising over 600 head of cattle, he cultivated grain fields and a small vineyard. Ynitia became a successful rancher through trade with the Mexicans, the Russians and early American settlers. His land grant was confirmed in 1852 by the United States Government, thus becoming the only Native American in Northern California to have his land grant ratified.
The only skirmish of the Bear Flag Rebellion occurred here on June 14, 1846, between Mexican soldiers and the Bear Flaggers from Sonora. The short lived Battle of Olompali resulted in the death of a Mexican officer.
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