1946 ???? Fifty Years ????? 1996
After returning home from World War II, area veterans organized and requested membership to the National American Legion Program.
January 09, 946, national headquarters issued a charter for "Hiatt-Hunt Post 80". The post was named in honor of the fist two area sons who gave their lives for freedom and their country: Alton Hiatt of World War I, and Alma Hunt of World War II.
This monument is erected on the southeast corner of a forty acre piece of property belonging to Post 80. Many membership hours were spent in building what we see today. Post 80 is proud of its present and past membership and their accomplishments. We desire that the described property always remain in the ownership of Post 80. We want to leave this as a legacy to family and friends. We say - "Enjoy and use, but don't abuse".
Post 80 dedicates this monument in honor of the veterans of past wars. Anyone who puts their life on the line deserves to be treated with the utmost of dignity and respect. They are the men and women who have served our nation with honor. They have earned the right to be called "veterans" by their sacrifice and devotion to duty in some of the darkest hours our nation has known.
"I am a patriot-an American. I stand for the preservation of moral principles that this nation was founded upon. I love my country and pray that we will continue to be one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. I have seen the face of terror, felt the stinging fold of fear, and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried, pained and hoped, — but most of all, I have lived times, others would say, were forgotten. I am proud to say that I am an American—a veteran".
In memory of the nine area veterans who gave their lives in service of their country; their families, friends and the American Legion brought underground power, lighting and while lifetime fence to the monument area.
For the nine veterans honored a star shows by their name on the roll call plaque
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