This church, founded in1892, built its firstsanctuary at West Main St.and Third Ave., where theDillon County Courthousenow stands. That lot wasdonated by James W. Dillon(1826-1913), for whom thetown and county are named.The original church, aframe building, was movedto the corner of Third Ave.and Hudson St. in 1910 tomake way for the new countycourthouse, completedin 1911.
The first sanctuary here,a brick cruciform church inthe Gothic Revival style,was designed by Charlottearchitect Oliver D. Wheeler(1864-1942). Completed in1914, it only stood sevenmonths before it burnedin January 1915. Thecongregation worshipped inthe courthouse until a newchurch was built. Wheeleralso designed the presentsanctuary, which duplicateshis original design andwas completed in 1916.
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