Barrow County was created by Act of July 7, 1914 from Gwinnett, Jackson and Walton Counties. It was named for David Crenshaw Barrow, Chancellor of the University of Georgia for many years. Born in Oglethorpe County, October 18, 1852, he died in Athens January 11, 1929. Affectionately known to thousands as "Uncle Dave," he spent most of his life teaching. First officers of Barrow County, commissioned January 11, 1915 were: H.G. Hill, Ordinary; Geo. N. Bagwell, Clk. Sup. Ct.; H.O. Camp, Sheriff; J.A. Still, Tax Receiver; Alonzo N. Williams, Tax Collector; J.W. Nowell, Treasurer; R.L. Griffith, Surveyor; Tom McElhannon, Coroner; W.M. Holsenbeck, Co. School Supt.
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