Adin Ballou — Preacher, Author, Reformer, Philanthropist, Apostle of Christian Socialism, and Founder of the Hopedale Community. 1803-1890."Blessed are the Peacemakers.""Not disobedient to the heavenly vision."
(inscription on right side)A man of rational Christian faith, sterling qualities of mind, and rare excellence of character, whose life was devoted to works of Righteousness, Brotherhood, and Peace, to the well-being of his kind and the upbuilding of the kingdom of God on earth.
(inscription on back)This monument is erected and these grounds are set apart as a Memorial of Adin Ballou—a tribute of affection, gratitude, and honor, from many friends. On this spot he spent the greater portion of his life; where he wrought his chief work and entered into rest. · Dedicated and presented to the Town of Hopedale, October 27, 1900.
(inscription on left side)Extract from Preface to the History of Hopedale Community:"If Providence has entrusted me with any distinctive mission in the world, it is to aid in showing my fellow-men the way into that Christlike order of life which illustrates the great ideas of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man."
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