(North face)
to the
from Clarendon
Who served in The War
for Southern
Charleston - 1861
Appomattox - 1865.
(East face)
Hope, like the eastern sun,
rose bright in the heart of
the southerner for home
government and the Confed-
erate States of America.
Overwhelming in numbers and
with resources inexhaustable,
he fought with patriotism
undaunted, and love
of country unexcelled in
history. Unawed by fear of
defeat, he defended the
sacredness of home and the
sovereignty of his state.
(South face)
Not to disrupt a righteous
union or a true true republic did
the Confederate soldier take up
arms, but to defend cherished
principles of civil rights did
he leave his all to do battle
unto death. Though overpowered
by force he was unbroken in spirit;
Offering life as a crowning
sacrifice he faced the fate of war;
Unconquered in defeat; Undismayed
in divine faith, undiscouraged
in hope for the future;
Untiring in rebuilding.
(West face)
In 1914 when this memorial is
erected to the Confederate
soldiers; When the sun of life
of the few who remain hovers
in the western horizon;
As we view their patriotism
through half a century past;
Of the time stage of their
deeds recedes, their lustre
brightens. Generations
unborn will proudly claim
their ancestry.
Many answered the last roll
call in battle: Others have
answered since; The remaining few
must soon answer. Their memory lives!
Peace! Reverence! Union!
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