(Left side is in English)
In 1778, Loyalist refugees began crossing from Fort Niagara to settle the west bank of the Niagara River. A town was laid out in a grid pattern of four-acre blocks and grew quickly, gaining prominence as the first capital of Upper Canada from 1792 to 1796. Following Niagara's destruction during the war of 1812, the citizens rebuilt, mainly in the British Classical architectural tradition, creating a group of structures closely related in design, materials, and scale. Spared from redevelopment, the town's colonial buildings eventually became one of its greatest resources. Beginning in the 1950s, residents rehabilitated and restored the old structures, demonstrating an exceptional commitment to the preservation of local heritage and making a significant contribution to the conservation movement in Canada. This collection of residential, commercial, ecclesiastical and institutional buildings, many on their original sites close to the street, is the best-preserved in Canada build between 1815 and 1859. With its early buildings and grid street plan, this historic district recalls the era when Niagara-on-the-Lake was a prominent, prosperous Loyalist town.
(Right side is in French)
L'Arrondissement Historique du Niagara on the LakeEn 1778, des r?fugi loyalistes commenc?rente ? quitter le Fort Niagara pour s'?tablir sur la rive ouest de la rivi?re.Une ville am?nag?e en damier avec de ?lots de quatre acres se d?veloppa et prosp?ra rapidement, puis gagna en importance lorsqu'elle devint la premi?re du capitale du Haut-Canada de 1792 ? 1796.Apr la destruction de Niagara lors de la guerre de 1812, les citoyens, inspir de la tradition classique britannique, reb?tirent des ?difices de conception, d'?chelle et des mat?riaux similaires.Ayant ?chapp? au red?veloppement urbain, ces vieux b?timents coloniaux devinrent ?ventuellement l'une de plus pr?cieuses ressources de cette ville.? partir des ann?es 1950, ses ridents les restaur?rent et les r?habilit?rent, manifestant ainsi une exceptionnelle volont? de prerver la patrimoine local, ce qui s'av?ra un importante contribution au mouvement de la conservation canadian.Ces maisons, magasins, ?glises et ?difaces publics dont plusiers sont toujours align en bordure de la rue, forment l'ensemble architectural datant des ann?es 1815 ? 1859 le mieux conserv? au Canada. Ces anciens ?difices et la plan en damier rappellent que Niagara-on-the-Lake fut autrefois une ville loyaliste importante et prosp?re.
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