Ridge Hill School / Faith Cabin Library

Ridge Hill School / Faith Cabin Library (HMRUB)

Location: Ridge Spring, SC 29129 Saluda County
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N 33° 51.167', W 81° 39.55'

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Ridge Hill School
This school, built in 1934, replaced the Ridge Hill Rosenwald School, a six-classroom frame school built in 1923-24. That school was funded in part by the Julius Rosenwald Foundation, building more than 500 African-American schools in S.C. 1917-1932. It burned in 1934, but the new school was built on the sale plan, at a cost of about $8000. Grades 1-11 attended this school until grade 12 was added in 1947. Ridge Hill School closed in 1957.

Faith Cabin Library
This building has been the Ridge Spring Star Community Center since 1978. The chimney nearby is all that remains of a Faith Cabin Library, part of a program founded in 1932 by Willie Lee Buffington (1908-1988) to help give small-town and rural African-Americans better access to books. The library built here in 1934 was the second Faith Cabin Library in the state. More than 100 were built in S.C. and Ga. from 1932-1960.
Series This marker is part of the Rosenwald Schools series
Marker Number41-13
Year Placed2009
Placed ByRidge Spring Star Community Center
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 1st, 2014 at 7:42am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 439022 N 3746028
Decimal Degrees33.85278333, -81.65916667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 33° 51.167', W 81° 39.55'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds33° 51' 10.02" N, 81° 39' 33.00" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)803
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 498-500 State Rd S-41-130, Ridge Spring SC 29129, US
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