The Military Road

The Military Road (HMV2P)

Location: Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Fond Du Lac County
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N 43° 46.534', W 88° 27.102'

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The Military Road, built in 1835, became the first highway to cross the state. Congress appropriated $5,000 to connect the St. Lawrence and Mississippi River basins.

The troops at Fort Crawford constructed the road from Prairie du Chien to Portage; those at Fort Winnebago extended it to Fond du Lac; and those at Fort Howard completed it to Green Bay. Blazed trees and ploughed furrows marked the route. Brush laid in river beds made wagon crossings possible. The early thoroughfare followed many Indian trails.

The army officials who supervised the work became interested in the future of the territory and invested their own finances in its development. The Military Road, the first influence of the federal government in Wisconsin, encouraged settlers to come to this territory.

Erected 1975
HM NumberHMV2P
Series This marker is part of the Wisconsin: Wisconsin Historical Society series
Marker Number208
Year Placed1975
Placed ByThe Wisconsin Historical Society
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, September 13th, 2014 at 3:12am PDT -07:00
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The Military Road
43.77556667, -88.45170000
UTM (WGS84 Datum)16T E 383172 N 4847970
Decimal Degrees43.77556667, -88.45170000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 43° 46.534', W 88° 27.102'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds43° 46' 32.04" N, 88° 27' 6.12" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)920
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 101-129 S Military Rd, Fond du Lac WI 54935, US
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