East face
In 1973, Augusta College named three of theoriginal arsenal buildings in honor of commandants of the arsenal. Payne Hall,storehouse and later headquarters for thearsenal and administrative building for theuniversity, was named for Matthew Payne,first commandant of the arsenal from 1819 to 1827. He oversaw the purchase of theWalker family land and plans for the relocationof the arsenal from the Savannah River.
North face
The Benet House, the arsenal commandant'shome, the college president's home from 1960to 1987, and administrative offices, became aNational Historic Landmark in 1973. ArsenalCommandant J. Walker Benet served herefrom 1911 to 1919. His son Stephen VincentBenet wrote poetry here while attending Summerville Academy. Stephen won twoPulitzer Prizes, and his brother William Rosewon one.
West face
Rains Hall, once Officers' Quarters, bearsthe name of George Washington Rains, Confederate Commandant from April 1862until the arsenal's reoccupation by Uniontroops in May 1865. Under his supervision,the arsenal manufactured Confederate weapons and other supplies. Rains also choose Augusta for the ConfederatePowder Works. Rains Hall has servedthe university mainly as administrativeoffices.
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