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You searched for City|State: savannah, ga

Page 4 of 32 — Showing results 31 to 40 of 315
3rd Regiment of Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. Fought in the Battles of Millstone and Monmouth. In his youth, he evaded the British by hiding under the boulder upon which his pursuers stood.
He was an educated, christian, frontier-raised farmer, diplomat, soldier, leader, related to barons and generals. He received his Masonic Orders from George III. His skillful attacks on the frontier made him one of the most known and feared Nativ…
A New Jersey man, Gordon joined the Continental Cavalry serving inthe hard fought southerncampaign under Capt. WilliamWashington. He was wounded inthe ferocious Battle of EurekaSprings. At war's end he settledin Georgia. His great granddaughter w…
He was a physician and planter who also served as Speaker of the Georgia Assembly during theRoyal and Revolutionary Period.Imprisoned by the British, he laterheld a seat in the ContinentalCongress and Ga's ConstitutionalConventions. He was mourne…
Born to wealth and power, he was forced to hide in the swamps of LongIsland until British forces landed.He led the 1st Battalion of Delancey'sLoyalists and fought in both battlesof Savannah and many other engage-ments. At war's end his propertyse…
A former British Naval surgeon who settled in America, hecommanded the 4th Georgia ContinentalBattalion which marched fromNew York to Georgia. Called the"Hero of the Ogeechee," he and onlysix men captured a force of 152 Britishsoldiers. Stricken …
Wayne was the commander of Continental troops in manybattles of the war includingBrandywine, Paoli, Monmouth,Germantown and the daring nightattack at Stony Point. After Yorktown he served on the Gafrontier and became the U.S.Representative of Ga …
Captain Floyd was a member 1775-1777 of the South Carolina First Councilof Safety which raised a militiacompany, the "St. Helena Guards"affiliated with the "Liberty Boys"whose motto was "Liberty or Death."In 1781 he served with "The BloodyLegion"…
A Connecticut Farmer turned soldier in the French and Indian War, his service included Roger'sRangers, Indian captivity,shipwreck and Pontiac's War. Astaunch "Liberty Boy," he was tolead men on many Revolutionarybattlefields, most notably BunkerH…
Born in County Limerick, Ireland, heserved as a Cadet of Marines underCaptain John Paul Jones on the 'Bonhomme Richard' in 1779. Whilepursuing deserters near Ireland he wascaptured and sent to England's FortonPrison and was released after threeye…
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