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Iron works set up four mi. W. by Philip Sitton after 1804. Source for manufacture of rifles by Philip Gillespie. Both operated to 1860s.
Commercial Bank, the town's secondoccupied the northern portion of thebuilding until merging with FirstNational Bank. The Wanteska Trust &Banking Company operated here from1909 to 1919. Other tenanta have been La Vouge Hat Shop, Patterson's Women'…
J.C.Penny's built and occupied this building for over 45 years. From 1893 until 1925 Hendersonville's Town Hall and Opera house stood on this location. Romanesque in architure, the building housed all city services and a 400 seat auditorium.
Built at a cost of $5,000, this buildinghoused the first bank in Hendersonville,the George H.P. Cole Bank. It servedas the post office from 1905-14, thenRose Pharmacy for many years. Firsttelephone exchange was upstairs.
Built by H.A. Nuckolls, tenants have beenStarnes Paint & Wallpaper, Nu Better Foods,Farnsworth Furniture and Sherwood'sRestaurant. On this corner in 1842 the town'sfirst hotel, the Ripley House, opened as a stagecoach stop. Over the years the hote…
(Lower Plaque) Built by Col. Valentine Ripley, earlybusinessman, this is one of the firstbrick structures in Hendersonville.Early uses were a general store,post office and Confederatecommissary under Major Noe.M.M. Shepherd and F.G. Hart purchase…
Built by W.A. Smith and Henry Jordonat the cost of $12,000. Tenants of thethree storefronts have been Clarke Hardware, Bland Hardware, Gregg Bros. Hardware and for 65 years Houston Furniture Company. The first gasoline pump onMain Street was locat…
Tenants of this two storefront building havebeen Maxwell Brown's Fancy Groceries,Mitchell's Grocery, Jack Schulman'sClothing, and Freeze Drug Co. The Woodmenof the World Hall was upstairs.
Built originally for retail, this buildingwas redesigned into a theater in 1915by prominent local architect Erle Stillwell. The Neo-Classical building served as the Queen, then the State, then the Foxuntil the early 1960s.Hendersonville Historic P…
Built by Dr. William Redin Kirk, tenants ofthe three storefronts have been Branstetter Shoes,Holley-Swofford Shoes, The ChinaShop and Emory's Dad & Lad Shop. BertBoyd, local philanthropist, lived upstairs for over 17 years. Designed by prominentlo…