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Pompey Stone. Legends & Lore. 1800s prank believed true. Engraved "Leo de L'N VI 1520" as memorial for 1500s explorer. Found 1820 near this site. 1894 hoax revealed.
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Thirteen Curves. Legends & Lore. Along this route a woman in white searches for her groom. Both died on their wedding night in the early 1900s while driving the 13 curves.
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Benjamin C. Cook. Legends & Lore. Native of Mottville NY . Civil War veteran who suggested flags to decorate graves, honoring both Union and Confederate soldiers
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Deruyter Dam. . Built CA. 1861-1864 . creating lake to supply . water for Erie Canal. . Reservoir feeds . Limestone Creek. .
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Early Cemetery. . Headstones date to 1803. Civil War veteran & Medal of Honor recipient Norman Potter and many Revolutionary War veterans buried here.
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Sheldon Peck. . Renowned early American folk artist, portrait painter and abolitionist, lived on this lot with his family from 1828 to 1836.
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Timothy Jerome. . Log cabin site and farm land purchased in 1793 first Fabius supervisor great great granduncle of Sir Winston Churchill
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George Geddes Farm Chosen best in state in 1846. Frederick Law Olmsted; designer of Central Park, apprenticed here that year. Stone barn remains.
The Coleman Family · The Leigh-Hayden Family
The O'Brien Family · Hon. Leo Hayes & Family
The Dorsey Family · The Gooley Family
Jerry Wilson · The Collins Family · Chris Witting
The Ken Davis Fami…
Original member of the
"Traditional Painting of
the Shamrock"