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North Though overpowered their cause was not lost, for- "Each single wreck in the warpath of might Shall yet be a rock in the temple of right." West Heroism and love of country were never more grandly illustrated than upon the…
This memorial marks the site of Hood Hospital Named for General John B. Hood of Texas who commanded The Army of Tennessee in the campaign around Atlanta, July 1864 - January 1865. Andrew Female College proffered her buildings and grounds to …
Early Randolph County The area that is now Randolph County lies within the vast territory in Georgia and Alabama once claimed by the Creeks. In the late 1700s and early 1800s several small Creek towns were scattered throughout the area, with the …
Located within what had long been Creek territory and containing portions of well-used trails connecting the area with the Seminoles in Florida, Randolph County became an important scene of action during the Second Creek War (1836-38). The war cam…
Five miles NE is the Battleground of Echowanochaway Creek, site of the last engagement between Randolph County settlers and hostile Creek Indians on July 27, 1836. Captain Thomas Stapleton was killed in a preliminary fight the day before near Pata…
Original Site of Cuthbert Methodist Church
(Side 1): The first formal meeting to organize a library association was held at Andrew College in April 1878 with Dr. A. L. Hamilton presiding. The thirteen members of the Cuthbert Library Club offered their book collections, and Judge John T. Cl…
Recognized officially and designated in 1923 by the American Tree Association as "The Mother of Georgia's Pecan Industry," the giant seedling just west of this marker was planted in 1848 in the flower and fruit garden of Judge and Mrs. William Tay…
Fletcher H. Henderson (1857-1943), pioneer Georgia educator, built this home in 1888 and lived here until his death. Principal of nearby Howard Normal-Randolph School 1880-1942, his contributions to education won professional recognition and enric…
The Baptist Bethel Association, meeting in Benevolence in 1851, resolved to undertake "The Creation of an Educational Institution for Females, to be called THE BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE OF SOUTHWESTERN GEORGIA." This site, in the little village of Vi…