Historical Marker Search

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Almon Phineas Frary, Jr. and his bride, Elizabeth, assembled this small house, typical of Julian, by joining Al's miner's cabin to an abandoned one-room school house on the site of the dismantled Overland Hotel & Saloon and Julian's second town ha…
Frank De Luca, Italian immigrant, built this general store featuring fresh produce. A cold spring, struck in the excavation, spawned a cellar saloon. Julian voted dry in 1902 under local option law. The popular saloon thereafter sold only "ci…
The original general store, with outside walls covered in pressed tin to simulate brick, was built by F.L. Blanc carpenter and minister, for Morris and Rosa Jacoby. It burned to the ground in Aug. 1996 and was rebuilt as a near replica of the orig…
This brick building, first in the back-country, was built using 100,000 bricks from Ike Levi's Julian kiln for Adolph Levi, Austrian emigrant, and his partner Joseph Marks, native Mississippian. Dis-solution of the partnership made Marks the sole …
Run by a citizen constable whose wife cooked for prisoners, this jail held suspects, often involved with whiskey and/or fists, for trial and, if found guilty, for short terms imposed by the Justice of the Peace. Long terms were not served here. De…
1st United States Dragoons Company C Sergent. John Cox · Corporl William. C. West · Private George Ashmead · Private Joseph T. Campbell · Private Williamm. Dalton · Private John Dunlop · Priv…
whose members made the longest military march in U.S. History of over 2000 miles from Iowa to San Diego in 1846 - 1847 during the war with Mexico. Albert Warren Dunham Private - Company B 23 May 1828 - 11 May 1847 Lydia Ann Edmunds Hunter…
Theophile Verlaque (1823-1913), a French immigrant, was a successful San Diego entreprenuer, saloon keeper, vintner and real estate speculator. Verlaque was a friend of Bernard Etcheverry, a French Basque immigrant, who by 1880 owned 16,700 ac…
From around 1860 to the early 1890's, the Chinese had a fishing village at this site along the La Playa Trail. The village had ten shanties, drying racks and salting tanks. At the shore was a shipbuilding facility where Chinese junks were construc…
From May 5th to December 29, 1894, Porter Perrin Wheaton, a civil and mining engineer, measured 2328 miles of county roads. His wheelbarrow with odometer, clinometer, and compass made the survey unique. From this data was prepared the first coordi…
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