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Established as a mission of the Euhaw BaptistChurch in 1795, Henry Holcombe, pastor.
With Joseph B. Cook as pastor, the churchwas chartered as a Baptist church by theState of South Carolina on January 27,1804.At the beginning of the Civil War t…
" Here, in 1794, I had the happiness,instrumentally, to lay the foundation ofa place of worship which composed of the best materials, and classes with themost neat and commodious Baptist meetinghouses in the United States." (Rev. Henry Holcombe, F…
? St. Helena's Parish was established June 7, 1712by act of Provincial Assembly. First rector,The Rev. William Guy, was appointed 1713; Glebe lands of 50 acres provided 1717.Original church erected 1724; Enlarged1770 and 1817 when present size was…
The ruins in the woods before you are all that remain of the Parris Island lighthouse keeper's home. Established in 1878, by 1881 there were two navigational beacons in operation here.
The keeper tended both at night. At the rear beacon this e…
Here stood Charlesfort, built 1562 by Jean Ribault for Admiral Coligny. A Refuge for Hugunenots and to the glory of France.
Erected 1925 by the Government of the United States of America to mark the first stronghold of France on this Continent.
In 1878, the United States built two lighthouses and a lighthouse keeper's home on Parris Island. The 45-foot tall Front Light was located on the southeastern tip of the island. Seen from the boardwalk, this area is the forested promontory to the …
Parris Island Pre-History The first inhabitants of Parris Island were American Indians. From about 6,000 BC to 500 AD, these stone age people traveled throughout the southeast staying along the coast for only part of the year. Starting around 500 …
Taming the Wilderness 1715 - 1750In 1715, Alexander Parris aquired what would come to be known as Parris Island. By 1722, Parris gave almost half the island to his daughter Jane and her husband John Delabare. Both families established plantations …
In 1878, two lighthouses and a keeper's home were built on Parris Island. Standing 45 feet high, the front range light was on the marsh flats. The much taller rear beacon was further inland. Together, the two served as navigational points for ship…
Less than three decades after Columbus had discovered America, on Aug. 18, 1521 ( St. Helena's Day ), Spanish seafarers from Santo Domingo sighted this magnificent harbor, named its Eastern headland the Punta de Santa Elena, from which the area de…