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To the honor and glory of Francis Marion and his men who under extreme hardships did such valued service for the independence of their country in the War of the American Revolution.
On January 24, 1781 Capts. Carnes and Rudolph, by orders from Gen. Marion and Col. Lee, surprised the British garrison at Georgetown and captured Col. Campbell. Upon Gen. Marion's second approach, June 6, 1781, the British evacuated the town. Gen.…
This church, formally organized in 1839, had its origins in a slave mission begun in 1786 on Gov. Thomas Boone's plantation, 3 miles SE. Rev. P. A. M. Williams became its first minister in 1840. The first Church, a frame building built the same ye…
In the early evening about March 20, 1781, the last skirmish between General Marion and Colonel Watson was fought at Sampit Bridge, one-half mile west of this spot. Col. Watson's loss was twenty men killed and a large number wounded; General Mario…
In 1711 the Lords Proprietors granted Winyah Barony to Robert Daniel, who sold it to Thomas Smith. By 1787 Retreat had been carved from the 12000-acre grant.
Prince George Winyah Parish (1721). Early settlement in this area near the Black River, based primarily on the Indian trade and the production of naval stores, prompted the creation of Prince George Winyah Parish in 1721. When the first Anglican c…
Organized as a result of the preaching of Elder James Singleton, the Mount Tabor congregation was constituted October 21, 1832 and admitted into Welsh Neck Baptist Association the same year. Samuel Hennecy and Uriah Woodard represented Mount Tabor…
Birthplace of Jeremiah John Snow. China Grove was the birthplace of the Reverend Jeremiah John Snow (1836-1892), a son of the third James Snow who lived here. He entered the Methodist Conference in 1863, and was a chaplain in the Third Regiment, S…
The Oaks Plantation was establishedon the Santee River in 1705 by a grantfrom the Lords Proprietors to JohnSauseau, a French Huguenot settler.It passed through several owners inthe prominent Buchanan and Withersfamilies before 1793, when brothersI…
Volunteer aide-de-camp to Gen. Beauregard in April 1861, mustered into Confederate service at White's Bridge near here on July 19, 1861, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment, S.C. Infantry, promoted Brigadier General on April 26, 1863, wounded at the B…