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Dedicated toAmerican Indian War Veteransby Inter-Tribal Council, Inc.Bicentennial Project1976
Site of battle in "Strawberry Moon" 1817, when Chief Clermont's Osage village was wiped out by Cherokees. This Osage band from Missouri had settled near the mound at insistence of fur traders of St. Louis. Osages became the wealthiest Indians in O…
Butterfield Overland Mailsite ofNail's CrossingHere was located a stage stand of the Butterfield Overland Mail route, under act of Congress, March 3, 1857. First mail service arrived here in September 1858, enroute to San Francisco, service contin…
U.S. troops encamped near Cheyenne Agency in Indian uprising 1874. Site s.w. of agency selected by Agt. J.D. Miles and Capt T Wint, established as permanent post in July 1875, and named for Gen. Jesse L Reno who died in action in Battle of Antieta…
During the 1930s severe drought plagued the states in the great plains and deepened the depression. High winds caused dust storms which blackened the sky. In 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt initiated a program to help stabilize the blowing soil…
Established Nov. 1868 by Gen. Alfred Sully with 5 companies of 3rd Inf. This was the supply base for Col. Custer's 7th Cav. Here, Dec. 2, 1868, Gen. Sheridan received Custer returning from the Battle of the Washita. Name changed to Ft. Supply 1889…
Near here on May 28, 1849, was the camp of a large party of gold seekers en route to California with a military escort under the command of Captain R B Marcy. The California Road was used by travelers for over 50 years. East of here about 4 miles …
From this noted watering place came the name of "Bison," 1 mi. so., "Buffalo Springs" was the camp site of Pat Hennessey and his men just before they were massacred, 7 mi. so., July 4, 1874. Next day, a war band of Indians was stood off by ranchme…
Established in May 1865, by Kit Carson, hero of Valverde and Brig. Gen., New Mexico Volunteers, to guard Santa Fe Trail and furnish escorts for caravans engaged in Santa Fe trade. Santa Fe Trail crossed this highway here and was first traveled by …
At the opening of "Old Oklahoma", April 22, 1889, this was the north line for the Run starting at 12 o'clock noon. Prairies and hills in the 2,000,000 acre tract, south, were peopled by tens of thousands, homes were planted and tent cities sprang …