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Legend has it that Paul Bunyan was mighty in the sport of fishing as in all else. He picked Minnesota for most of his fishing and is credited with creating more than a few of its ten thousand lakes.
Big Stone Lake, visible here to the north-wes…
The Pomme de Terre river which flows through the city of Appleton provided valuable water power to the early settlers. At this point on the river, a dam was built to improve the water power for a flour mill which stood on the north end of main str…
Of all the geological agents which have played a part in shaping the face of Minnesota, the most overwhelming and powerful one is glacial ice. At least four times during the last million years, continental glaciers have spread over the state durin…
Built in 1891, District No. 44 School is the quintessential one-room prairie schoolhouse. For over two centuries country schools were the foundation of the American education system, but school consolidation finally forced most rural schoolhouses …
Named for John C. Breckenridge, vice-president of the United States from 1857 to 1861, the town was laid out in 1857. On August 23, 1862, its citizens were warned that the Sioux Indians were planning a raid on the town, and most of them fled to Fo…
Moved to this site, October, 1995, from 203 2nd St. N.W. this stone was used for putting one's foot on it when descending from a wagon or carriage originally installed, July, 1914 in front of the WH. Miner home as part of the 146' sidewalk constru…
Side 1
In 1892, Fulda was to host the Encampment of the GAR, Grand Army of the Republic, comprised of Union veterans of the Civil War. With enthusiasm mounting, the members of the Zach Taylor Post 42 and a majority of Fulda's citizens petitioned …
Fulda's depot, the only surviving Eastlake - style two-story depot in southwestern Minnesota, was built in 1880 just to the southeast of the present location, on a platform between two sets of tracks. Boarding the train and loading freight was the…
This town began in 1878 and named for a river in Ireland. Became a key point for the sale of 50,000 acres of Railroad lands to Catholic colonists in Murray County through the activities of Archbishop Ireland and the Catholic Colonization Bureau.
On the morning of September 21, 1876, sixteen days after the Northfield bank robbery, the Younger brothers and Charley Pitts stopped at the Sorbel farm home on the north shore of Linden Lake in Brown County. They asked for food and received it, bu…