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Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
Erected by theRockland County Societyto commemorate the establishment of theNew Hempstead Presbyterian Churchas the second religious organization in thepresent County of Rockland, New York.
This church was founded a few years after 1713, when N…
Founded 1734New Hempstead Presbyteriancalled the English Churchby Dutch Settlers. Rebuilt1827. Washington's troopscamped on this ground.
The 19th century mill pond and dam, sawmill, icehouse and farmhouse had outlived its productive days when Omley, Hansen and Hall of an American Scandinavian group discovered it in 1926. With the Depression, the summer community soon became year-ro…
This cemetery, named after an early owner of the land, began in the 18th century as a family or community burial ground. Abandoned and forgotten, it was rescued by the Martinus Hogenkamp Cemetery Association. Several stones are inscribed in Dutch,…
In Grateful Recognition Of The ServicesOf These Sons Of New City To Their Town, Their Country And The World. 1917 - 1919Anderson, Raymond · Bardon, Chris. S · Biehl, Henry · Blauvelt, William · Carnoghan, Fred G. &middo…
In Grateful RecognitionOf Those Who Served In TheArmed Forces Of The United States Of America DuringThe Korean And Vietnam Conflicts Compatriots And Friends Of TheStony Point Chapter SARShatemuc Chapter DARNovember 11, 1983
Rockland CountyCourt HouseOur forebears commitment to the rule of law was manifested in the first court house built in Tappan in 1691. In 1774 a small frame court house was constructed on this more convenient site, replaced in 1827 by a larger bri…
[ east side ] In Memory OfThose Law Enforcement Officers, Residents Of Rockland CountyWho Dedicated And Sacrificed Their Lives In The Line Of Duty Constable John Cahill - Aug. 19, 1905 Haverstraw Village Police DepartmentDet. William F. Conklin -…
[ left plaque ] KoreaAblondi, Bruno · Augenblick, Ira · Baker, Philip T. · Brown, Robert A.Caputo, Louis · Cervene, Sam J. · Cook, Jr., Henry Wm. · De Freese, Samuel W. · De Groat, Roland · D…
[ inscription on the granite base ] Erected By The People Of RocklandCounty In Grateful AppreciationOf The Noble Sacrifice Of TheseSons And Daughters Who Gave Their Lives In The World War 1914-1918 Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, ThatA Man La…