You searched for Postal Code: 70517
Showing results 1 to 10 of 17
Birthplace of Bishop Jules Jeanmard/Lieu de Naissance de L'Évêque Jules Jeanmard. . . English Side . Located one block south at 123 Van Buren Street is the birthplace of the first bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette, Bishop Jules B. Jeanmard. Bo…
Legend of Bayou Teche/La Legendè Du Bayou Teche. . . Many, many years ago, there was a huge and venomous snake. It was so large and so long that its size was not measured in feet, but in miles. Its head was at what is now known as Morgan City an…
The Valery Thibodeaux House. CA. 1853. . This beautiful Acadian home and grounds was the site chosen by Maj. A. Gallway, 173rd N.Y. Volunteers for the encampment of his Union Troops, April 21, 1863.This house has been continuously occupied by Val…
Big Alabama Bayou. . . . Big Alabama Bayou . Big Alabama and Little Alabama Bayous are now cut off by levees, but once were bustling waterways, full of fisherman, trappers, hunters and more. The town of Sherburne, now long gone, once stood on th…
Pont Breaux, Louisiane. (Breaux Bridge). Named for the Firmin Breaux FamilySettled by Acadians ca. 1766, Founded 1829, Incorporated 1859..
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The Bridge of 1852. . . This turntable bridge was built in 1852 and replaced in 1891. The bridge was moved 3 miles downstream and served as a crossing for the community of Ruth until 1992. The bridge was in place when Breaux Bridge was incorporat…
The Pellerin-Chauffe House. . This Queen Anne Revival cottage was built in 1896 by Edmond Pellerin. The carpenter, Emile Bergeron, built the entire house of local cypress and the house remains the finest example of rural farm life in Breaux Bridg…
Cypress Island Preserve supports many alligators, including in some of the largest in Louisiana. While visiting the preserve between March and October, you may see alligators up to 10-15 feet long along the western edge of Lake Martin. Alligators …
Wetlands are described simply as any area that floods regularly and supports plants that are adapted to flooding. Wetlands have been disappearing at an alarming rate in the United States and elsewhere. For example, although Louisiana only accounts…
The Atchafalaya River is North America's fifth-largest river according to discharge and, together with the Mississippi, accounts for about 90 percent of the freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Mexico.The Atchafalaya River is North America's fift…