Massachusetts: Massachusetts Bay Colony—Tercentenary Commission Markers
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Settled before 1673, a town in 1680, divided by the New Hampshire - Massachusetts boundary, the northern part becoming Nashua, New Hampshire in 1741.
Settled about 1636, calledEnon "Because there was muchwater there" (St. John III, 23).Set off from Salem and namechanged to Wenham 1643
On December 3, 1787, the first covered wagon to leaveMassachusetts for the westset forth from this spotarriving the next spring inthe northwest territory andfounding Marietta, Ohio.
Roger Conant was a prudentand religious man who led theold planters from Gloucesterto Salem in 1626, and held themtogether until the Bay Colony was founded. This house wasbuilt on land given by him tohis son Exercise Conant in1666
The old planters, RogerConant, John Woodbery andJohn Balch used this pathfrom their homesteads to thecove at the head of Bass river.
In 1668 the town granted theadjacent acre of land "To theinhabitants of Ipswich for a yardto build vessels and to employworkmen for that end."The shipbuilding industry hascontinued uninterruptedly inEssex since that date.
A free school for Chebaccoparish was opened in anupper room of this house in1695 by the appointed master,Nathaniel Rust, Junior. The towngave "Six acres of pasture landfor the benefit of the schooland one-quarter acre forMr. Rust's house."
Among the founders and earlyresidents of Ipswich - 1630 -were John Winthrop, Junior,scientist and industrial pioneer; Nathaniel Ward, lawmakerand wit; Richard Bellinghamand Richard Saltonstall, magistrates who defended popularrights; Simon Bradstreet andhis…
Here on August 23, 1687,the citizens of Ipswich, led bythe Reverend John Wise, denounced the levey of taxes bythe arbirary government ofSir Edmund Andros, and fromtheir protest sprang theAmerican revolution of 1689
On this spot the Indians signed a deed granting Pentucket, now Haverhill, to the white settlers for three pounds ten shillings. The original deed dated November 15, 1642, is now in possession of the Haverhill Historical Society.