Massachusetts: Massachusetts Bay Colony—Tercentenary Commission Markers
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Ten rods east stood thehouse of Benjamin Goodrichwho, with his wife and twochildren, was slain by theIndians on October 23, 1692
The burial ground set apartat the settlement of thetown of Rowley in 1639. Hereare buried Ezekiel Rogers,Samuel Phillips, SamuelShepard, Edward Payson andJedediah Jewett, the earliestministers of the town, andnearly all the original settlers.
From the date of its settlement by John Winthrop and twelve associates, 1630, Agawam (Ipswich) was the seat of pillow lace making, by 1790 the annual production was 41,979 yards. This craft continued until the introduction of lace machinery.
Built in 1638 by John Balch, who came over in 1623 with Captain Robert Gorges. The "Old Planters" received this land in exchange for their settlement at Salem.
Belonging to the Fountain Inn, where Sir Harry Frankland, collector of the Port of Boston, while supervising the erection of Fort Sewall, met Agnes Surriage in 1742. Agnes, a poor fisherman's daughter, later became Lady Frankland and returned with her husba…
Built in 1742 for defence against French cruisers. U.S.S. "Constitution" sought shelter under the fort's guns when chased by H.M.S. "Tenedos" and "Endymion" April 3, 1814. Named after Samuel Sewall of Marblehead, Chief Justice of Massachusetts in 1814.
Ten rods west is the site of the first fulling mill in the English colonies, built about the year 1643 by John Pearson.
Erected in 1701 by John Wise, pastor of the Chebacco parish of Ipswich, now Essex. Son of a laborer, Harvard graduate, army chaplain, protestant against taxation without representation and against the witchcraft delusion, defender of democracy in the church…
First ferry across the Merrimack river from Newbury to Salisbury, established about 1639, and the only route from Boston to the eastern frontier. In 1641 George Carr was appointed ferryman with rights which continued in his family for generations.
On this site dwelt Edward Rawson, secretary of the bay colony for thirty-six years, deputy to the General Court for twelve years, elected clerk of the House of Deputies in 1645, he died in Boston 1693.