Historical Marker Series

Native Sons/Daughters of the Golden West

Page 46 of 63 — Showing results 451 to 460 of 621
First woman U.S. Forest Service Fire LookoutEddy Gulch Lookout on Klamath PeakKlamath National Forest 1919-1927
Arrived in California in 1852 via Isthmus of Panama Lieut. Governor 1883-1887Supt. San Francisco Mint 1893-1897 Owner Black Bear MineProduction 3,000,000 dollars
Earliest known trapper to visit Scott Valley. Employed by the Hudson Bay Company on 1836. He latermade Scott Valley his home.
Date Opened: August 9, 1935Owner Operator: T & D Jr. EnterprisesArchitect: J. Lloyd Conrich / San Francisco, CAGeneral Contractor: Sath Brothers / San Francisco, CA Date Reopened : August 14, 2002Owner Operator: Southern Oregon University / JPR Foundatio…
The Australian company British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines DC-6B, VH-BPE, on a scheduled flight from Sydney to San Francisco with a final destination of Vancouver, Canada, crashed on Kings Mountain in San Mateo County during the morning hours of October 2…
"The pioneers in their journeys marked the roads and trails so that others recognizing them might safely follow" This spot marks the location of theCalifornia - Oregon RoadMain artery of travel of the pioneers blazed by them in the "fifties" and followe…
On June 18, 1805, Lieutenant Gabriel Moraga, on his first exploratory journey into the San Joaquin Valley traversed this pass and recorded it. Since then it has been trail, toll road, stagecoach road, and freeway — the principal route between the c…
This campsite on both the Mojave Trail over the mountains and the Cajon Pass Route was probably first seen by Spanish and American traverlers in the 1770's and was noted by them in 1806, 1849 and 1850. Michael White, grantee in 1843 of the Muscupiabe Rancho…
Discovered by Joseph R. Walker, American trail-blazer who left the San Joaquin Valley through this pass in 1834. This area was traversed by topographer Edward M. Kern, after whom the Kern River was named, while accompanying the Fremont expedition of 1845. A…
Erected by the State of Californiain memory ofJames W. Marshall1810 - 1885Whose discovery of goldJanuary 24, 1848in the tailrace of Sutter's Mill at Colomastarted the great rush of Argonauts.
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