Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

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Born of humble parents in Tondo, Manila on November 1863. Andres Bonifacio founded the Katipunan, the secret society that launched the revolution against Spain in Agusut 1896. He wrote the Katipunan decalogue, some patriotic poems and essays. And first t…
Formerly called Plaza Mayor. Converted into a park in 1797. Renamed Plaza McKinley after U.S. President William McKinley in 1901. Renamed Plaza de Roma in 1961 to honor Sacred College of Cardinals in Rome following the elevation of first Filipino cardinals,…
In the late '60s, cousins Randy Owen and Teddy Gentry discovered they shared a common interest in music. Joined by Jeff Cook, they started playing on a regular basis. Working their day jobs and playing any place they could locally in the evenings, "The Boys…
Francisca de Fuentes, was born to Don Simon de Fuentes and Ana Maria Tamayo del Castillo in the City of Manila in 1647. Widowed and childless herself after a brief marriage, she dedicated herself to helping the sick, the needy and the young. In 1682, she re…
Sybil LudingtonOn April 26, 1777 this brave sixteenyear-old girl rode through theenemy-infested countryside forthirty miles in Putnam County, NewYork, to warn the local militia thatBritish troops were attacking andplundering Danbury, Connecticut.Donated by…
historicalmarkerproject.com/markers/HMHAI_joao-candido-felisberto-memorial_Rio-de-Janeiro-Rio de Janeiro.html
[Panel 1] João Cândido Felisberto nasceu em 1880, na Vila Sâo José, Encruzilhada do Sul, Distrito de Rio Pardo, Rio Grande do Sul. De 22 a 26 de Novembro do 1910 liderou a Revolta Dos Marinheiros contra as péssimas condiçôes de trab…
Panel 1: Zumbi dos Palmares "É chegada a hora de tirar nossa nação das trevas da injustica racial." Nasceu livre, em 1655, na Serra da Barriga, união dos Palmares, Alagoas. Neto de Aqualtune, não permitiu a submissão de seu povo ao…
As alturas n?o me intimidam. —Santos-Dumont, Foz do Igua?u, 24 Abril 1916. Posso dizer-ihe, Frederico Engel, que estas maravilhas em torno das cataratas n?o podem continuar a pertencer a um particular (Santos-Dumont) Foz, 25 de Abril de 1916. Co…
Scout for the Pioneers Scout for the Union ArmyMarshall for Hay City Dodge City and AbelineKilled in DeadwoodAugust 2, 1876Buried on Mount Moriah300 feet above this spot Presented to the City of DeadwoodBy George R. Hunter
The giant, cast iron statue you see towering above you is Vulcan, the Roman god of metalwork and the forge. The 56-foot tall statue was commissioned by Birmingham leaders to represent their new, growing city at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. After a smash…
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