Historical Marker Series

Markers Attached to Sculpture

Page 50 of 94 — Showing results 491 to 500 of 933
Legend has it there are many workers buried in Hoover Dam. However, due to the manner in which the Dam was constructed, this would have been impossible. "Puddlers" directed buckets of concrete over empty forms, released the concrete, and then used their sho…
This marks the site ofThe Old FortBuilt A.D. 1756The western outpostof the United Statesandof North Carolinauntil 1776from which this town wasnamed
[ Front of Monument ]Loyalists American Regiments 1775-84This monument has been erected by a grateful province to commemorate the services of His Majesty's Forces in North America, 1775-84 In particular the following which were disbanded as units and settle…
"...A tower of knowledge, of strength, of power ...Let us build..." Dr. William Hooper Councill served as President of Alabama A&M University and was the catalyst for its early development from its founding in 1875 until his death in 1909. Born a slave, …
June 1, 1933 - February 10, 2010United States Naval Officer and 12-Term United States Representative, 2nd District of Texas A Sonnet to CharlieNow before us in bronze, he once again stands tall:Beloved Texan, who heard his clarion call.Henry W. Gurley
The Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan This monument, depicting a young warrior soaring on a winged snow leopard, symbolizes many centuriesof the nation's history and a modern Kazakhstanstriving for its future. Dedicated by His Excellency Nursul…
This statue by William McVey (1902 - 1995), was erected in 1966 by public subscription, onthe initiative of the English Speaking Union. One foot stands on United States, one on British Embassy grounds: a symbol of Churchill's Anglo-American descent, and of…
[Inscription on base of statue - West Side:]Mahatma Gandhi1869-1948"My Life Is My Message"[North Side:]Gandhi led India to freedom from British rule in 1947. He is hailed as the father of the nation. Crusader for human rights and liberty, thinker, writer, r…
Liberal Politician, Statesman, Social ReformerOne of the most prominent Greek and European Leaders of the 20th Century.He marked the modernization of Greece with his political initiatives
Dr. Philip Jaisohn was a pioneer of independence, democracy and public awakening for the Korean people. After the failed 1884 reformation movement, he was exiled to the United States, where he became the first Korean-born to become an American citizen. A gr…
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