Oregon Trail
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Beginning in Independence, Missouri, the Oregon/California Trail passes through present-day Missouri, Kansas, Wyoming, and Idaho. it ends in Oregon, California or Utah - depending on the destination of the pioneers.
While the Oregon/California Trail somet…
Marked by the
State of Wyoming
The center piece of the Platte Bridge Station and Fort Caspar was the bridge built here by Louis Guinard in 1859-1860 and used until Fort Caspar was abandoned in 1867. The bridge superstructure stood on 28 timber cribbings filled with rock and gravel. Not c…
Built by Louis Gurnard
Immediately south and west are the sites of Platte Bridge Station, First Overland Telegraph, Stage, and Pony Express Stations on the Old Oregon Trail
The military camps and Richard Bridge were located in the bend of the North Platte River about one-mile north of Evansville, Wyoming. Locally known as Reshaw's Bridge, the area is marked by a historical sign.
John Richard (Reshaw) constructed a toll bri…
Throughout history, humans have followed river banks in search of resources to support commerce. Rivers made possible the exploration and mapping of North America. Major waterways served as trade routes for native peoples, corridors for European explorers a…
of Oregon Trail fame, where
westward travelers left the
North Platte River.
A Tribute to Pioneer Emigrants
Casper Literary Club
In this location wagons, carts, livestock, and emigrants forded the North Platte River during organized migrations through the Rocky Mountain West. Congressional prodding to occupy the Oregon Territory in the early 1840s, and the lure of fertile, unclaimed …
Two plaques and a medallion are located at this site:
Oregon- California Trail
During the years 1841-1867 over 350,000 persons passed through Casper on their way West. The majority of them traveled through what is now the lobby of the First Intersta…
Many emigrant pioneers passed through this gap, or opening, in Emigrant Ridge between the 1840's and the 1880's as they traveled the Oregon-Mormon Trail by oxen-drawn wagons, on horseback, or on foot. The trail generally followed the North Platte River from…