Historical Marker Series

Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal

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Masonry visible beside the river remains from a lock of the canal which carried goods southward from Columbia, and provided an outlet for trade from Pennsylvania to Baltimore.
Chartered by Pennsylvania, 1835; run by the canal company, 1840-1872, and the Reading Railroad till 1894. Followed the river for 45 miles below Columbia.
Just north of this spot are the walls of what was once lock No. 12 of the old Susquehanna & Tidewater Canal, which paralleled the Susquehanna River 45 miles between Wrightsville, PA and Havre De Grace, MD. Built in 1836-39 and opened in 1840, the canal carr…
A hamlet settled in the late eighteenth century by free blacks and whites. The Hosanna School built in 1867, was Harford County's first public school for African Americans. Travelers, local farms, and industries such as milling, mining, quarrying, and canni…
Fortuitous geography, local engineering ingenuity, and American business acumen were to combine to assure Buffalo a pivotal role in the forwarding of grain to national and international markets. After the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, transshipment of …
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Columbia: a Transportation Hub. Lancaster-York Heritage Region—. During the mid-nineteenth century, Columbia was a busting transportation hub. Turnpikes, ferries, bridges, canals, wharves, and railroads made Columbia a major transshipment point in the…