La Maison de la Cadene/La Porte de la Cadene

La Maison de la Cadene/La Porte de la Cadene (HM154C)

Location: Saint-Émilion, Aquitaine 33330 Gironde
Country: France
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N 44° 53.617', W 0° 9.319'

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[The House of the Chain/The Gate of the Chain]

La Maison de la Cadene
Une charte de 1291 conc?da ? Guillaume Renaud de la Cadene un emplacement situ? ? la port du m?me non. La maison gothique qu'il y fit construire fut remplac?e au d?but du XVI?me si?cle par une masion ? pans de bois et en torchis appel?e encoure aujourd'hui Maison de la Cad?ne.

La Porte de la Cadene
Post?rieure aux 6 portes Romanes de remparts ext?rieurs, cette arcade ogivale gothique ?tait l'unique port de l'enceinte fortifi?e int?rieure. Son nom viendrait du latin CATENA (cha?ne) et laisse supposer que la circulation entre ville basse et ville haute ?tait contr?l?e au moyen d'une cha?ne qui barrait la rue.

[English translation by Google Translate, with modifications:
The House of Chain
A charter from 1291 ceded to Guillaume Renaud of the Cadene a location at the port of the same name.. The Gothic house built there was replaced in the early sixteenth century by a half-timber house, today called House of Cad?ne.

The Gate of the Chain
Behind the six gates of the Romanesque outer walls, the Gothic ogival [?] arch was the only port of the walled interior. Its name comes from the Latin CATENA (chain) and suggests that the movement between lower town and upper town was controlled by means of a chain that blocked the street.

HM NumberHM154C
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 at 11:08am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)30T E 724619 N 4975069
Decimal Degrees44.89361667, -0.15531667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 44° 53.617', W 0° 9.319'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds44° 53' 37.02" N, 0° 9' 19.14" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)954
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 527 Rue de la Cadene, Saint-Émilion Aquitaine 33330, FR
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