Saving the Circle

Saving the Circle (HM18IK)

Location: Miami, FL 33131 Miami-Dade County
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N 25° 46.187', W 80° 11.322'

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The Miami Circle site would not exist today if it were not for the support of the community.

Public outcry over the impending destruction of the Miami Circle led to additional archaeological research and preservation of the 2.2 acre parcel of land. The joint efforts of the public and private partners, led by Miami-Dade County, resulted in a successful campaign to preserve the precious site. South Floridians and others from around the world rose to the occasion by protesting and campaigning to "Save the Circle."

Finding Balance
It would be hard to underestimate the emotions aroused by the discovery of the Circle and its possible demise. Students visited the site and organized letter writing campaigns to local, state and federal governments. Native Americans and other supporters held candlelight vigils to protect the site. Mass media coverage brought focus and a sense of closeness and ownership to the people of Miami.

El yacimiento del C?rculo de Miami no existir?a hoy en d?a si no fuera por el apoyo de la comunidad.

La protesta p?blica ante la inminente destrucci?n del C?rculo de Miami dio lugar a investigaciones arqueol?gicas adicionales y la conservaci?n de la parcela de 9,000m?. El esfuerzo conjunto entre el sector p?blico y privado, encabezado por el condado Miami-Dade, result? en una exitosa campa?a para la conservaci?n del importante yacimiento. Los residented del Sur de la Florida y otras regiones del mundo estuvieron a la altura de las circunstancias, protestando y luchando para "Conservar el C?rculo."

Buscando el Equilibrio
Ser?a dif?cil subestimar las emociones que provocaron el descubrimiento del C?rculo y su posible destrucci?n. Estudiantes locales visitaron el yacimiento y montaron campa?as de cartas al gobierno local, estatal, y federal. Los grupos de indios norteamericanos y otros simpatizantes organizaron vigilias a la luz de las velas para proteger el yacimiento. La cobertura medi?tica enfoc? la atenci?n y produjo un sentido de fraternidad y pertenencia en los residentes de Miami.

Carib Indian Catherine Hummingbird Ramirez, shown here with Bobby Billie, has held a candlelight vigil every Tuesday night since the discovery of the Miami Circle in 1999. Photograph by Carl Juste, Miami Herald Collection, HistoryMiami.

Catherine Hummingbird Ramirez, fotografiada aqu? con Bobby Billie, ha realizado una vigilia a luz de las velas cada martes desde que se descubri? el C?rculo de Miami en 1999. Fotograf?a por Carl Juste, Colecci?n del Miami Herald, HistoryMiami.

Demonstrators protest the planned destruction of the Miami Circle. Photograph by C.W. Griffin, Miami Herald Collection, HistoryMiami.

Los manifestantes protestan contra los planes para destruir el C?rculo de Miami. Fotograf?a de C.W. Griffin, Colecci?n del Miami Herald, HistoryMiami.

Carved bone artifact with concentric circles recovered from Miami Circle excavations, 1998-1999.

Hueso tallado con c?rculos conc?ntricos hallado durante las excavaciones del C?rculo de Miami, 1998-1999.

The Meaning of Circle
The circle has long been an ancient an universal symbol of unity, wholeness, and infinity. The circle is also an object of nature, an idealization of pure mathematics, and a symbol or framework we use to understand and describe our world.

El Significado del C?rculo
Desde la antig?edad, el c?rculo es el s?mbolo universal de la unidad, completitud, e infinidad. El c?rculo tambi?n es un objeto de la naturaleza, una idealizaci?n de las matem?ticas puras y un s?mbolo o marco de referencia que utilizamos para comprender y describir nuestro mundo.

National Historic Landmark
The Miami Circle at Brickell Point Site
Designated January 6, 2009

(images: three newspaper clippings)
? "The Readers' Forum: Preserve Miami Circle by building around it", letter by Alex Penelas, Mayor, Miami-Dade County
? "Circle Cash Linked to Park Sale" by Herald staff, with photo by Tim Chapman
? "Will history stop the bulldozers again?" by Howard Kleinberg

Miami Circle is a registered trademark of HistoryMiami.
HM NumberHM18IK
Series This marker is part of the National Historic Landmarks series
Placed ByThe Florida Inland Navigation District, the State of Florida Division of Historical Resrouces, and HistoryMiami
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 4th, 2014 at 7:37am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17R E 581352 N 2850439
Decimal Degrees25.76978333, -80.18870000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 25° 46.187', W 80° 11.322'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds25° 46' 11.22" N, 80° 11' 19.32" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)305, 786, 954
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 465 Brickell Ave, Miami FL 33131, US
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