The Wine Market

The Wine Market (HM19Z8)

Location: Lucerne, LU 6004 Luzern
Country: Switzerland
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N 47° 3.112', E 8° 18.272'

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Bis zum 16.Jahrhundert Fischmarkt. Mit dem Abbruch der mittelalterlichen Schaal, einer zweigeschossigen, h?lzernen Markthalle f?r den Verkauf von Fleisch, Brot und Leder, entstand 1481 der Platz in seiner heutigen Form.

Steinmetz Konrad Lux schuf 1481 den sp?tgotischen Brunnen (Original im Historischen Museum).

Der Fischmarkt war im Mittelalter politischer Mittelpunkt und Zentrum des Marktbereiches. An seiner S?dwestecke stand bis 1447 das erste Rathaus. Der Platz war ges?umt von den Trinkstuben der Gesellschaften zu Metzgern, Gerbern, Schuhmachern und Wirten.

Nach 1481 wurden hier geistliche und weltliche Spiele aufgef?hrt.

German-English translation:

Wine Market

Until the 16th century this was a fish market. With the demolition of the medieval Schaal, a two-story wooden covered market for the sale of meat, bread and leather, the square has been in its present form since 1481.

In 1481 Stonemason Konrad Lux created the late Gothic fountain (original in the Historical Museum).

The fish market was the political meeting spot and the center of the market area in the Middle Ages. Until 1447 the southwest corner was the site of the first city hall. On the sides of the square the butchers, tanners, shoemakers, and innkeepers each had their own taverns.

After 1481 both religious and secular plays were held here.
HM NumberHM19Z8
Placed ByStadt der Luzern (City of Lucerne)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, September 18th, 2014 at 11:26pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)32T E 447178 N 5211162
Decimal Degrees47.05186667, 8.30453333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 3.112', E 8° 18.272'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 3' 6.72" N, 8° 18' 16.32" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)734
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 7 Weinmarkt, Lucerne LU 6004, CH
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