The house was built in the 1830's by John A. Syfrett. It is likely the oldest residence in Jackson County. It faces Fort Road, believed to have been routed by Andrew Jackson. In 1861, it became the home of Colonel John M.F. Erwin and his wife, Georgia C. Bryan, daughter of Elijah Bryan. Colonel Erwin served with distinction in the Confederate Army, Florida Senate, and the United States Militia.
The kitchen and carriage house were connected to the house by a latticed breezeway. Often travelers in the need of overnight rest were welcomed, and the guest register still exists. Prior to 1900, the well supplied many Greenwood residents their water. The house is built of yellow heart pine, the timbers are hand hewn and the doors and trim are hand made. The original full length second floor veranda was destroyed by a 1953 storm. The house is now owned by Lucy Whitall Erwin, Colonel Erwin's granddaughter.
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