The Plaza of the Thousand Columns Historical

The Plaza of the Thousand Columns Historical (HM1X7Y)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.947', W 88° 34.034'

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Plaza de las Mil ColumnasSu principal características son los amplios espacios abovedados sostenidos por columnas. Es probable que la función de esta Plaza haya cido cívico-religiosa; su construcción se fecha en el periodo Clásico Tardio-Posclásico Temprano. Cuenta con un sistema de drenaje que capta el agua y la almacena en una depresión natural situada al Noreste de la Plaza. Además de los edificios formales, existen aproximadamente cuarenta basamentos que fueron construidos con material procedente de los edificios ya en desuso de la Plaza. Son restos de construcciones con techos y muros de material perecedero que deben de haber cumplido funciones muy distintas y en espacios mucho más reducidos que los originales, tal vez como centro de una población humilde asentada en las ruinas de la que antaño fuera una gran ciudad. La pilastra aquí restaurada se encontró dispersa entre los basamentos descritos anteriormente.Maya-Yucateco:K'ilwikil le Miil Ka'anal Tak'a'an Tuunicho'obo'U nojoch chiikulile' leti' le kóochtak kúuchilo'ob beey áaktun kucha'an tumen ka'anal tak'a'an tuunicho'obe'. Le k'iiwika' mii meyajnaj tia'al u beeta'al k'a'ana'an ba'alo'obil kaaj yéetel k'u' naj; ku ts'a'aba'al u k'iin tu k'iinil Clásico Tardio-Posclásico Temprano. Yaan ti tu'ux u ta'aka'al ja' ti' jump'éel kóom yaan
tu xaman-lak'inil le k'iiwika. Ts'o'okol le pak'o oba', yaan xan na ats' ti' ka'ak'aal wa 40 kaabal pak'o'ob jbeeta'ab yéetel tuunicho'ob jtaasa'ab ti' pak'o'ob jáaw u meyajo'ob ti' le k'iiwika'. U káakachalo'ob pak'o'ob' yéetel jo'ol najil yéetel pak'o'obil ba'alo'ob ku k'aspajai mii meyajnajo'ob ti' uiáak' jela'an ba'alo'ob yéetel ti' kúuchilo'ob maas nu'ut'o'ob ti' le tu'ux yáax meyajnajo'obo', mii je'ex u chúumukil jump'éel óotsil kaajal yaanchaj tu yúuchben pakilo'obil jump'éel úuchben nojoch kaaje'. Le ka'anal tak'a'an kanti'its tuunicho'ob ka' meenta'ab ke'ela' kaxta'ab k'itpaja an ichil le. English:Plaza of the Thousand ColumnsThe main characteristic of this structure are the ample vaulted spaces held up by columns. It is probable that the function of this Plaza was civic and religious. Its construction is dated in the Late Classic-Early Post Classic periods. It has a drainage system that gathers water and stores it in a natural depression northeast of the Plaza. Besides the main buildings, there are approximately 40 plinths (bases or foundations) which were built with stone from the buildings already in disuse in the Plaza. These are the remains of constructions built of perishable materials and must have served very different purposes than the original buildings since the spaces are very much reduced, perhaps as a center for humble inhabitants,
living amidst the ruins of what was once a great city. The restored pillar here was found lost among the aforementioned plinths.
HM NumberHM1X7Y
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 1:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336761 N 2287792
Decimal Degrees20.68245000, -88.56723333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.947', W 88° 34.034'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 56.82" N, 88° 34' 2.04" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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