The Temple of the Warriors Historical

The Temple of the Warriors Historical (HM1X7Z)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.998', W 88° 34.049'

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Templo de los GuerrerosEste edificio debe su nombre a pilastras con representaciones de guerreros. Está construido sobre un antiguo edificio conocido como el Templo del Chac mool, en cuyas paredes y pilastras interiores hay representaciones, plasmadas con rico colorido, de serpientes emplumadas, guerreros y sacerdotes. La construcción superior solo muestra la mitad de su altura real. En sus esquinas y muros exteriors presenta mascarones narigudos. En las paredes interiors de las bóvedas hubo murales con escenas de la vida cotidiana y de guerra. Las mesas-altar y banquetas pudieron servir de asiento y trono para los dignatarios. Maya-Yucateco:Le naja' ku taal u k'aaba' ti' le pak'o'ob tu'ux yaan u yoochel aj ba'ate'ob. Beeta'an tu yóok'ol uláak naj k'aj óolta'an bey u K'ul Najil Chak Mo'ole', tu pak'ilo'ob te' ichilo' yaan u yoochel jadzutz u boonil k'u'um kaano'ob, aj ba'ate'ob yéetel yuum k'iino'ob. U ka'analile' chéen ku ye'esik táanchumuk ti' le jach buka'aj u nojochilo'. Tu ti'itzo'ob yéetel tu paach pak'ilo'obe' yaan u yoochel pix icho'ob nuuk u ni'obi'. Tu pak'il ichilo'obe' yaan kan ti'itzo'ob tu'ux ku yila'al u yoochel le bix u kuxtalo'obo' yéetel le bix u ba'ate'obo'. Le kili'ich mayak yéetel báanketa'obo' míij meyajnajo'ob tia'al u kutal le jala'acho'obo'.English:This building
owes its name to the rows of pillars displaying relief carvings of warriors. It was erected over an ancient structure known as the Temple of Chac Mool, upon whose walls and interior pillars there are richly colored carvings of plumed serpents, warriors, and priests. The upper building only partially reflects its true grandeur. There are three sculpted masks with extremely long noses on the outer walls and at the corners. On the inner walls of the vaults there were murals with scenes of war and daily life. The altar-tables and benches may have served as seats and thrones for dignitaries.
HM NumberHM1X7Z
Placed ByConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México (CONACULTA)-INAH
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 1:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336736 N 2287887
Decimal Degrees20.68330000, -88.56748333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.998', W 88° 34.049'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 59.88" N, 88° 34' 2.94" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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