Beginning in the 1860s, foundries South of Market Street fabricated mining machinery, railroad cars, and ships. This 1912 machine shop is the last. Fred V. Wilbert forged fine tools here. Edwin A. Klockars (1898-1994), a native of Munsmo, Finland, joined Wilbert in 1928. His precision-made tools help construct the Emperor Norton and Golden Gate Bridges and hundreds of ships during World War II. Still in production is his 1938 San Jose Jam Tongs that enable canning companies to clear convulsed conveyor carriers. Ed Klockars had one motto; "Anything you need, we make." This shop still does.
Dedicated March 26, 6010 (2005)
Capitulus Redivivus Verba Buena #1
Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampsus Vitus
Credo Quia Absurdum
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