Dedicated to the men and women of the armed forces on the United States. May prosperity keep faith with those who served and above all with those who did not return that their sacrifices shall not have been made in vain. We remember. Pittsford veteran casualties while serving our nation in combat. World War I Pvt Henry L. Miller, USA; Pvt Homer Rayson, USA World War II Cpl Nicholas Commisso, USA; 2nd Lt William Briggs, USA; 1st Lt Lloyd A. Thornell, AAF; Sgt Robert H. Patchen, USMC; 1st Lt Alexander Allen, AAF; Cpl Bruce A. Rylott, USMC; Sgt D. Edgar Rowland, USA; 2nd Lt Paul F. Baker, AAF; 1st Lt Frederick D. Leary, USA; Pfc Everett E. Playne, USA; S/Sgt Ferdinand A. Ballieul, USA Korean War S/Sgt Laverne B. Hayton, USA; Lcdr Wallace R. Storm, USN; RMI Clifford E. Habecker, USCG Vietnam War Lcpl John C. Gresens, USMC; Col E. Larry Perrine, USAF; Sgt Michael E. Lawton, USA; SP5 Melvin D. Morgan, USA Iraq War Cpl Kevin S. Mowl, USA
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