Battle of Lexington Monument

Battle of Lexington Monument (HMSKF)

Location: Lexington, MA 02420 Middlesex County
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N 42° 26.969', W 71° 13.878'

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Sacred to Liberty & the Rights of mankind!!! The Freedom & Independence of America, Sealed and defended with the blood of her sons.

This Monument is erected by the inhabitants of Lexington, under the patronage & at the expense of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to the memory of their fellow citizens, Ensign Robert Munroe, Mess. Jonas Parker, Samuel Hadley, Jonathan Harrington Jun.r, Isaac Muzzy, Caleb Harrington and John Brown of Lexington, Ishael Porter of Woburn, who fell on this field, the first victims to the sword of British tyranny & oppression, on the morning of the ever memorable nineteenth of April, An. Dom. 1775.

The Die was cast!!! The Blood of these Martyr's, in the cause of God & their Country, was the cement of the Union of these States, then colonies & gave the spring to the spirit, firmness, and resolution of their fellow citizens. They rose as one man, to revenge their brethren's blood and at the point of the sword to assert & defend their native Rights. They nobly dar'd to be free!! The contest was long, bloody & affecting. Righteous Heaven approved the solemn appeal; Victory crowned their arms; and The Peace, Liberty & Independence of the United States of America, was their glorious reward.

Built in the year 1799.

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The remains of those who fell in the Battle of Lexington were brought here from the old cemetery, April 20, 1835, and buried within the railing in the front of this monument.
Year Placed1799
Placed ByCitizens of Lexington
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 22nd, 2014 at 1:42am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 316510 N 4702095
Decimal Degrees42.44948333, -71.23130000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 42° 26.969', W 71° 13.878'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds42° 26' 58.14" N, 71° 13' 52.68" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)781, 617, 339
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1801-1923 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington MA 02420, US
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