This area, designed and laid out by the landscape branch of the Provincial Department of Public Works in 1975, has been named Elliot Street Square, in memory of Andrew Charles Elliot, barrister, judge, gold commissioner, police magistrate, and fourth Premier of the Province of British Columbia, and as a reminder of the street, which bore his name. Before its closure in 1974 many prominent citizens had their homes within the limited length of Elliot Street.On the north or city side were the residences of Sir James Douglas, K.C.B., first governor of the Colony of British Columbia, and the honourable John Sebastian Helmcken, L.S.A., M.R.C.S., the first Speaker of the first Legislative Assembly of Vancouver Island, negotiator for Confederation, and highly esteemed member of the medical profession.On the south or James Bay side lived George H. Ayllard, mining engineer; Albert T. Frampton, real estate agent; Ashdown H. Green, explorer and surveyor; John W. Morris, automobile agent; Arthur Henry, school teacher; Gutave Michaelis, retired merchant; and Henry E. Munday, contractor, who later became a leading member of the retail shoe trade.
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