Born on October 24, 1834, Cecilia was the eldest daughter of James and Amelia Douglas."The room of Mr. Douglas, partly an office and partly domestic, stood open and there I saw Cecilia his eldest daughter flitting about, active as a little squirrel and one of the prettiest objects I have ever seen; rather short but with a very pretty graceful figure of dark complexion and lovely black eye - petite and nice... I was more or less captivated."They married in a snowstorm in December 1852 and moved into this house, then a small log cabin. In 1865 she died of pneumonia at the age of 30, shortly after the birth of a son, who also died. She had four surviving children. Dr. Helmcken never remarried.
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Mrs. J.S. Helmcken, n?e Cecilia Douglas. F. Cole. RBCM BCA A-01683.
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