You searched for Postal Code: 37830
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In wartime 1943, realizing that unhappiness with living conditions would imperil the already fragile prognosis for producing uranium-235, the Army overseers of Oak Ridge strove to make life as pleasant as possible for the uprooted professionals se…
What most branded Oak Ridge as a temporary wartime community was its housing, almost half of which was added in a great rush during 1944-1945 as the town grew to five times the originally planned population of 13,000. Many thousands of the later h…
At the same time the Government was starting large construction programs in 1948 to build permanent housing, work started to replace the hurriedly built wartime schools. The first permanent school finished was Willowbrook Elementary in September 1…
In 1948, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) assigned the task of transforming the "Secret City" into an incorporated city to Frederick W. "Fred" Ford, the AEC's new Community Affairs Director. In addition to managing the city's…
1942 - 1992
Samuel Karl Asher ·
Michael Roger Baker ·
James Edward Barlow ·
Jeff Thomas Barnett, Jr. ·
Martin Owen Boone ·
Joseph Keith Bradley ·
Gerald Wayne Davidson · …
The need for good schools here posed special problems. The large transplanted population wanted schools at least as good as those they left behind, and the school population was destined to skyrocket from 830 in October 1943 to 8,223 in October 19…
In 1946, 14 southern universities formed the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies (ORINS) - the first peacetime institution of this Secret City - to help faculty and students benefit from the outstanding research staff and facilities of Oak Ridg…
In 1943, General Leslie R. Groves, commander of the Manhattan Project, delegated to Colonel Kenneth D. Nichols the responsibility for administering what was to become a $2.2 billion effort. The Colonel had his headquarters here in a rambling, seve…
In August 1945, citizens of this Secret City learned, most of them for the first time, that their hard work had made possible a weapon that was instrumental in bringing peace to a world anguished by the brutal, six-year war in which 54 million peo…
In November 1942, Army Engineers were ordered to build a town for 13,000 people. A year later their target grew to 42,000, and the actual population reached 75,000 in September 1945 - almost three times the city's 2005 population. Shown on no maps…