Colorado: History Colorado
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For thousands of years, these grasslands have supported tens of millions of buffalo, from the giant species of ancient times to the smaller version of today. As North America's largest land animal, buffalo dominated life on the Great Plains. In 1851, Cheyen…
Sugar beets didn't become Colorado's first major cash crop by accident. Scientists, businessmen, and newspapers spent thirty years singing the praises of this starchy root, which as early as the 1860s was found to be perfectly suited to Colorado's climate a…
Junction Station, the first settlement at this site, suffered numerous Indian attacks similar to those that raged all along the South Platte during the mid 1860s. To protect the crucial crossroads, which joined the South Platte River Trail with its Denver c…
From the eastern prairie to the Rocky Mountains and the western plateau country beyond, Colorado enjoys a rich abundance of wildlife. Protecting this heritage has been a challenge, and Colorado's success is due to the efforts and cooperation of people like …
Colorado's vast plains, rugged mountains, and grand plateaus, so magnificent in their beauty and variety, seem at times to overshadow the state's history and people. But look closely. The story of Colorado is every bit as dramatic as the physical terrain. M…
Due North 1235 Feet is the Original Site of Old Julesburg, named for Jules Beni, whose trading post was established at the "Upper Crossing" of the Platte prior to 1860, junction of Oregon and Overland Trails.Pony Express Station, 1860-61.Overland Stage Stat…
Established in September, 1864,as a United States Army Post.Called Camp Rankin and Post JulesburgName changed in November 1865, tohonor General John Sedgwick, who waskilled at Spottsylvania May 9, 1864The fort protected the stage lineand emigrant trains fro…
This Memorial Is the Property Of The State Of Colorado
NamaquaHome, trading post and fort of Mariano Modena, early trapper, scout and pioneer. First settlement in the Big Thompson Valley. Station on Overland Stage route to California in 1862.
This tablet is the Property of the State of Colorado3.8 miles north along county road is the site of Valley Station, built in 1859 as a stagecoach station of the Leavenworth and Pike Express. Station on the Overland Trail to California, 1862-67. Indian War …
Call it the Pikes Peak Trail, the Denver Road, Overland Trail, or the South Platte River Trail - by any name, it dominated the movement of people and goods in Colorado between 1858 and 1867 and ranks with the great trails of American history. Travelers caug…