New Jersey: Morris County Heritage Commission
Showing results 1 to 10 of 68
Site of Morris County's two earliest court houses. The Green, purchased in 1816 from the Presbyterian Church, owned and continuously administered by the trustees of the Morristown Green.
Home of Jabez Campfield, where Alexander Hamilton courted Betsy Schuyler in 1780. Her uncle, Surgeon General of the Continental Army, Dr. John Cochran, quartered here.
1847 Gothic Revival villa,"Mount Kemble," built forHenry and Frances DuerHoyt on the site of thehouse of colonial officialPeter Kemble, reluctanthost to Continental Army.Renamed "Glen Alpin" byDavid H. McAlpin in 1885.
Oldest schoolhouse stillstanding in Morris township.Addition built in 1899. Schoolheld here continuously from1810-1914.Morris County Heritage Commission
During the Revolution, formersoldier Shepard Kollock printedthe New Jersey Journal on thissite "to maintain the cause offreedom" and serve the army inMorristown. The Journal, northJersey's only wartime newspaper,founded in 1779, later thrivedin Elizabeth fr…
Built around 1860 as one room schoolhouse. Served until 1928 as one of four township schools. Renovated as Chatham Township Hall 1959.
Crossroads community, first settled1727. Contains homes representingColonial, Greek Revival andVictorian architecture. Additionaldwellings include former generalstore, blacksmith home, academy andPresbyterian Church.Morris County Heritage Commission
Artillery Brigade Cantonmentcommanded by General HenryKnox hutted near this siteduring second winter encamp-ment of Continental Army in1779 - 1780.Morris County Heritage Commission
One of the finest examplesof public buildings in theFederal style in New Jersey.Original Court House on theGreen built in 1755.Morris County Heritage Commission
Built and operated as a one room school until 1928, when students transferred to Mendham Borough School. Remodelled as private dwelling after acquisition by Schiff Scout Reservation, 1941